Children looked after and care leavers
Children Looked After
Sometimes, for a number of reasons, children are not able to live with their families. In these cases, the children will be cared for by the council. This is called being ‘looked after’.
Am I a care leaver?
If you’ve left care after the age of 18, you’re a care leaver. That means you can get support from Lambeth until you’re 21, or 25 if you’re still in education.There are a few different types of care leaver. The support you can get depends on which type you are. To find out more, you can read Lambeth’s ‘Who is a Care Leaver?’ guide.

What is the Lambeth Care Leavers Offer?
If you are a care leaver, Lambeth is responsible for supporting you as you move into adult life, as any good parent would. The care leavers offer tells you what help and support you can get.
The Care Leavers offer website has loads of links to information that’ll be helpful for you. Education, training, work, health and wellbeing, and support with money are some issues you might get help with.
There’s also information on:
- Getting a passport, a copy of your birth certificates and other identity documents you might need
- Housing and independent living, including applying for housing and getting support
- Meeting people and having fun, with links to local activities and groups
- Getting involved and having your say
Steps to Success and the Drive Forward Foundation
Helping care leavers to achieve their full potential with great personal support, careers advice, professional mentoring, training and exciting sustainable employment opportunities.
Commissioned by Lambeth Council

Rise Futures’ mission is to help young care leavers reach their full potential, realise their self-worth and flourish in all that they do. Rise Futures exist to provide impactful Opportunities which are a catalyst for long-lasting change.
Commissioned by Lambeth Council

What can a personal advisor do for me?
As a care leaver you get your own PERSONAL ADVISOR (PA). They can support you and help you make the best of the care leavers offer and the additional support you may need.
Lambeth’s friendly PAs will be your go-to-contact. They’ll meet at home or wherever else you want. You’ll hear from them every 6 weeks at least, or you can get in touch if you need help.
If you want, PAs can represent you to organisations you need to work with. These could be health staff, housing officers, college and university staff, benefit advisors, probation officers and other organisations in your community.
How does it work?
When you are 17 ½, you will meet your PA. They’ll start helping you plan your move to independence. They’ll make sure it happens at a pace and in a way you’re happy with. They’ll continue to support you to achieve your goals up until you are 25, if you want them to.
Contact your PA or your Social Worker if there’s anything in the care leavers offer you want to know more about all your options.

© Lambeth Made Education Skills and Employment 2022